- 13:30 Introduction (15 mins)
- 13:45 Activity one (30 mins)
- 14:15 Break (5 mins)
- 14:20 Activity two (45 mins)
- 15:05 Break (5 mins)
- 15:15 Group discussion (40 mins)
- 15:55 Conclusion & Thanks (5 mins)
- 16:00 End
13:30 Activity One – A researcher-guided discussion of the food system using the Miro online mind-mapping tool. We will map out what is important within the food system in South Wales, our desires for change and directions for the future.
14:20 Activity Two – Using the online tool we have developed to talk about how our food system desires can be represented using it, the strengths and limitations of this as a discussion tool.
15:15 Group Discussion – We will reflect on the experiences and challenges raised within activities one and two, drawing together our workshop outputs and take-away messages.